Protection Of Masculinity's mission is to preserve and protect the heterosexual, masculine male figure in our communities and homes, while addressing everyday issues and spreading awareness.
The fundamental aspect and essence of masculinity is by fathering children, then providing them with shelter, food, protection; as well as teaching them skills they will need in order to survive in their world and environment. Being responsible, self-sufficient, reliable and respectful, not only to themselves primarily, but most importantly to others is paramount in today's society.
Our plan is to provide outreach and influence by teaching our youth trade skills, giving them accessible resources through role models, retreats, education with mentors and avenues to provide means to express themselves verbally without judgement.
This corporation is organized exclusively for charitable and social purposes, including, for such purposes, for acquiring and making distributions to and from organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.
Men, join Protection of Masculinity today! Sign up and a representative will reach out to you within 48 hours to walk you through the process.